As we close up for this class, it has been an eye opener for my PLN as I have never really thought about creating content, and network profusely. I now see the massive potential of having a strong PLN, to ensure that I keep learning and work with others. I have always had a closed mind when it comes to networking as I have not really expanded it. It may come from personal shyness, be introverted. As some more free time frees up, I have been trying to explore more parts of health information science, and digital health. From this class and EDCI 337, making content and multimedia posts has been fairly rewarding. I may explore this in the future which may be my preferred way of networking and getting myself out there. I should use my social media more, and engage in professional sites like LinkedIn more often for learning, and looking for employment. Using a PLN to inform myself about unreported issues is nice to have because diverse viewpoints is essential for learning and debate. This will increase my digital literacy, and my ability to critically think, fact check, and come to a conclusion. PLNs are continually created. As long as I continue to interact with my peers, and engage in conversations, I will continue learning about many things, that are taught from humans, and not necessarily educational institutions.